In November, it is the month without tobacco . Everywhere, initiatives to help us end our cigarette addiction are increasing. Yet, it is still difficult to say definitively 'stop'. Side health, the report is edifying.

The benefits of stopping smoking

Using data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Statista statistics site looked at the consequences, in the more or less long term, of stopping smoking on health. And if you have to let 15 years of abstention pass for the risk of coronary heart disease to return to normal , some consequences are observable much more quickly. For example, after 20 minutes, the heart rate decreases. And after 12h without tobacco , the level of carbon monoxide in the body returns to normal. After 1 to 9 months , coughing and shortness of breath subside. Another encouraging figure: after 2 to 5 years without tobacco , the risk of stroke is equivalent to that of a non-smoker.

How to quit smoking ?

If it were to be repeated, these figures support the disastrous impact of smoking on health. And to take a good resolution, it's never too late. After 80 years, stopping smoking would reduce the risk of eye diseases . In short, it is still time to end this addiction. The most complex is to find the right method : with a doctor, a support group or alone ... Everyone to find the appropriate method.