There is a time for everything. The holiday is supposed to bring back from your ashes the beating that lies inside you. The one shot down by the Formula 1 days of today's women.

"It's the moment or the time to disconnect, both physically and mentally and emotionally," Chloé Mason, author of "21 days to let go" (Editions Jouvence).

Panic in front of the suitcases, cart at work, untimely chickenpox of the youngest ... The mission promises to be impossible? To avoid starting the holidays with the panic of departure and to close them with the good old anxiety crisis of the day before the return, one s'or-ga-nise! The secret: prepare well before and after. And also put in conditions your loved ones. Your password? Take care of yourself.

  • Frame your absence at the office

Checker his professional mailbox by the pool can ruin the most beautiful holidays. To allow oneself to totally dump the moorings forces to leave his work in order. Your best friend? The To Do List !

Do not wait the last minute. Sort out what you need to finish before you leave, which can wait for your return, and transfer urgent business to colleagues. For the missions thus delegated, draw up a written roadmap, which will serve to whom it is appropriate if necessary, while finely reminding your N 1 of your skills and your scope of intervention.

Conscientious? Leave a contact if urgent, a possible link one or two days a week with your team, no more. But this is not an obligation and your supervisor should be able to understand it.

  • Stop the screens!

Are you the type to spend more time looking for a terrace with wifi than the good beach in the area? Chloé Mason is formal: "All connected and social networks are the number one enemy of women on vacation. It's a good thing to cut off access to your pro mailbox. But it's also about leaving the frenzy of Instagram, Facebook or other RSS feeds during the day, and the nightly series binge watching , the blue light of the screens prevents you from sleeping . "

There is no rest without digital disconnection . So, reconnect to real life and real feelings.

  • Find your body

"Who says vacation, says recovery of the accumulated fatigue until then. Hence the need to sleep, "says the author of" 21 days to let go ". Take time for yourself, arrange daily moments to re-tame a body too often abused or repressed.

With habits that degenerate (big puffs and alcoholic evenings until the end of the night), we prefer the pleasures that regenerate. "You have to regain physical pleasure by doing good. Swim, practice yoga , do breathing exercises, meditation ... Depending on body feelings, each find the activity that suits him best.

"Listening to one's body helps to identify where fatigue is located; the hidden pains and tensions are nestling in contracted areas , explains Chloé Mason. They must be given the necessary care to relax or treat them.

We let ourselves go, we mass, we eat in full consciousness, we breathe ... ". A virtuous circle allowing to release the good energies, those which repair in depth.

  • Have a daily sport practice

Do you keep an iron discipline the rest of the year? It's a safe bet that the holidays may heckle your pace champion. Breaking the routine is good. Take advantage of the change by discovering other activities. In addition to varying the pleasures, it enriches his practice and why not share more with friends - hiking for example - or with children - outdoor games.

For the great sedentary before the eternal, no more excuses. Sleeping and resting is good. Doing more sports is better. 20 minutes a day is enough to revive the machine - thanks to the hormones of well-being that are released . It's also good for morale: moving helps you let go of your body as well as your head.

  • Exercise your right to bubble

Becoming aware of the value of free time is essential to take full advantage of your holidays . Allow yourself to slow down, including the brain machine. So we stop planning everything, control everything, organize everything . Limit the obligations to a minimum, for example by hiring a babysitter a few hours a day or by empowering the children of age to take - a little - in charge.

Another formula that works: the clubs of holidays (on the model Club Med) and their baby or junior super clubs. And if once the kids are crushed, you are afraid of emptiness, it's not the end of the world. To have nothing on the agenda of the day is a good sign. The emptiness opens up to the unexpected, to the desires of the moment, to the forgotten breaths of a day. Finally, time for you!

  • Take height

This is the moment or never to step back. On work, everyday life, our friends, our thoughts, our ways of working. Take the measure of the perversion of a superior , the rise of aggressive competition in your team, your lack of investment in the direction of your elder ...

Not that it is necessary to resign at the return of the holidays, but some adjustments to the order of the re-entry de-dramatize this one. Creative people know it well. It is in silence and calmness that the most beautiful ideas and the best inspirations are born. Take the time to think about your goals (not just professionals). It's a good time to take back the reins of your life.

  • Extend the acquis ... after the start of the school year

Personal development experts say it clearly: some people unconsciously stop letting go during the holidays for fear of the shock of recovery.

"To no longer fear the return to the hard, it must be anticipated and visualize" offers Chloé Mason. To take care of the small sown seeds during this blessed time of the holidays, it is possible, prolonging a hygiene of life which lasts (sport, food, rest).

Make relaxation benchmarks acquired during the holidays your new weekly appointments. History of finding the source of youth holidays half an hour in the day (twenty minutes of sports or stretching, ten minutes of meditation) and one or two hours in the weekend. Question of priorities.