Some diets are very restrictive and frustrating and require many sacrifices in terms of taste. During the stabilization phase, you will be able to make some pleasures. But with moderation. You avoid the excesses that would make you gain weight, especially after a period of deprivation. Allow richer dishes, once or twice a week, or a gourmet dessert. Your good mood will also be at the rendezvous with these small rewards. The rest of your diet must be balanced and varied .


To avoid scattering during meals and eating a little anything, invent menus. Impose certain foods at each meal and learn how to gauge quantities. You can eat everything, but not anytime, anytime. You can opt for a typical breakfast with starchy foods and fish, a dairy product and a fruit. At dinner, you prepare soup, grilled meat with vegetables, bread, cheese and fruit. As for breakfast: a hot drink, a fruit juice, preferably pressed, two toast bread with butter and jam or honey. And snacks at fixed times. Vary all your foods so you do not get tired, but keep a base to maintain your good eating habits.


Some foods promote weight loss and stabilization. Fruits and vegetables are essential allies to keep the line even after dieting. They are very rich in fiber , which promotes digestion and intestinal transit. Fibers make it easier to circulate fat and eliminate it. It can be consumed at all meals, without depriving oneself. The most high-fiber foods are whole grains, legumes such as white beans and lentils, vegetables such as cabbages and tomatoes, or fruits such as apples and prunes.

The slow sugars are also very interesting to maintain one's weight after a diet. They release energy slowly, which prevents you from cracking between meals. Pasta, rice, bulgur, legumes are also assets to get satiety and do not make too rich meals. Some herbs, spices, a drizzle of olive oil or a knob of butter, and starchy foods are greedy. It can be consumed at all meals, even at breakfast and afternoon tea, in the form of bread.