What is the yoyo effect?

The yoyo effect is well known to hardcore diets, those who have tried them all ... and who have subsequently undergone a regain of weight. That's it, the effect yoyo: lose weight then take back lost pounds or more. A dangerous phenomenon for your physical health, your psychological health, and which damages your body and its tissues.

What promotes the yo-yo effect?

The yoyo effect can occur as a result of too fast weight loss or a drastic change in diet. If your body is suffering from this episode of famine, it will be conditioned to store the least fat ingested to prevent future deprivation. So, as soon as you stop the diet and resume a normal diet, your body will keep the fat. And here is the effect yo-yo assured. In addition, if your diet is too drastic, it will be difficult to keep over time, and you risk all the more to crack before the first bar of chocolate, and say so again, hello to your weight.

Tips to avoid the yoyo effect

If you do not feel strong enough to start an effective diet alone, do not hesitate to consult a dietician who will provide you with a program, support you and reassure you. Then stop extreme hardships! There are ways to lose weight without feeling hungry and constantly frustrated. Some diets advocate a healthy, dietary, consistent, and effective diet in weight loss. Find an example of a typical menu to lose weight. Then go beyond a simple diet. Review your general diet, and re-adapt it to your lifestyle. Learn or re-learn to eat balanced , to concoct good and healthy dishes, with little fat.

Often, lack of time can push you to eat on the run or eat ready meals. Avoid this, there are many recipes to cook quickly. For example, opt for vegetables (even if they are frozen) with lean meat with frozen hamburgers. And then, enjoy the weekend to simmer meals for the rest of the week. Finally, do not fall into extremes, and give yourself small pleasures from time to time to avoid frustration. Keep in mind that a diet is certainly an effort, but it must pass before your health and well-being.