Why and how to consume raw fish?

The cooking of a food has a great influence on its digestibility and its nutritional composition. Fish is no exception! Thus, by preparing raw fish, you are sure to preserve its most fragile nutrients such as its group B vitamins, which resist poor cooking ... The raw fish also has undeniable taste qualities: many fish are tastier than raw cooked! The basic rule is of course to buy fresh fish from the fishmonger. Regarding species, you will be spoiled for choice, almost all fish can be consumed raw without risk to health. To taste your raw fish, think of Asian recipes like sushi and maki. You can also prepare a salmon carpaccio for example or a delicious tuna tartare!

Why and how to consume cooked fish?

Cooking food is not that bad, far from it. It can make the fish more digestible, especially if the fish is cooked in court-bouillon (also called poached fish). By changing the nutritional composition of the fish, the cooking method can also have beneficial effects. A study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh concluded in November 2011 that the consumption of steamed fish or grilled fish reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease ... Just like raw fish, cooked fish can therefore be very healthy for your health! Many species such as sea bream and trout are suitable for cooking. In addition to the cooking methods already mentioned, you can also cook your fish in the oven, pan and even in the microwave. On the other hand, frying fish is generally not recommended because of the high calorie intake.