Diversification at the heart of your meals

During your meals, it is advisable to eat a little of everything in reasonable quantity. Indeed, each food containing different nutrients, it is the only way to suffer from any food deficiency! Fruits and vegetables, dairy products, starchy foods, meat, fish and eggs: do not neglect any food group and within these groups, make sure to diversify your food. In other words, do not always eat the same fruit with every meal for example!

During your meals, listen to your body

Satiety is triggered automatically when the body feels that it has consumed enough food to meet its needs. To keep the line, it is strongly recommended to stop eating at this moment ... The most difficult is to recognize the feeling of fullness as soon as it is triggered. To feel it better, slowly eat your food, taking the time to taste each bite. This will help you to better digest your food!

No salt at the table during your meals

To deliberately omit the salt cellar is a healthy habit. Indeed, in France, salt consumption is much too important. Excessive consumption of salt can have serious repercussions on health: it can particularly promote problems of hypertension ... Without a salt cellar on the table, you will not have the unfortunate reflex to automatically salt your dish before you even taste it!

Ban sodas and other sugary drinks from your meals

During a meal, the only recommended drink is water, because it is essential for survival and devoid of calories. In contrast, soda-like drinks promote weight gain because of their high sugar content. In addition, they tend to trigger satiety too quickly. The risk: drink the soda, but leave nutrient-rich foods good for the body ...