A quadruple play offer: how much does it cost?
How to choose the right quadruple play offer?
What if we want to cancel?
Most VS less
Our opinion

A quadruple play offer: how much does it cost?

With Bouygues Télécom, Orange and SFR quadruple play offerings (internet, TV, fixed and mobile phone), you can save between 10 and 30 euros per month. The price depends on the number of hours of communication you want to have on your mobile. It is better to know your needs well. Count, for example, around 50 euros for offers with one to two hours of communication and around 100 euros to benefit from the mobile in unlimited version.

Warning !

Since 28 December 2010, the legis- lation has changed somewhat. These tenders, previously subject to VAT at 5.5%, will henceforth be subject to the normal rate of 19.6%. If this is your case, you have or will be contacted by mail to keep you informed of your billing progress.

How to choose the right quadruple play offer?

You do not have to pay too much for a quadruple play subscription with a simple two-hour mobile plan, at Bouygues Télécom, All-in-One Ideo Neo.3 for 44.80 euros.

You are calling a lot:
choose an unlimited offer, the All-in-One Idéo 24/24 package is 99,80 euros.

You are a large family
: if you have several mobile phone lines in one household, SFR's Multi-Pack packages offer you a discount. You can save up to 30 euros on your total bill. Nevertheless the offer remains very complex.

You still have a subscription for your fixed line (France Telecom / Orange):
subscribe to Open Orange and do a total unbundling. With the Livebox (internet, TV and phone), choose four mobile numbers all operators or fixed to unlimited. To this, add a mobile package of two hours of communication (with SMS / MMS, unlimited internet and email unlimited calls to three Orange numbers or from 9.30pm to 8am) for 57.90 euros, saving close to 30 euros the cost of your fixed telephone subscription).

What if we want to cancel?

This is more complicated. To have competitive rates, you must commit for 24 months. For 12 months commitment, count six more euros per month. Mistrust on the one hand because some operators charge you a cancellation fee, and on the other hand know that the day you decide to revoke your subscription, you no longer have internet, TV and landline or mobile phone.

Most VS less

The most: it is nevertheless a monthly saving not negligible, provided you choose an offer adapted to your consumption. It is also a boon for those who do not like paperwork, because the operator publishes a single invoice for both services: mobile and box. SFR continues to establish two invoices, thus enabling the subscriber to terminate one or other of the services.

The less: each offer has its share of small surprises. For example: calls are sometimes unlimited that within the limit of 3 hours of communication, the number of callers called per month can be limited, the VCR's function of the box is paying in some cases ... In order to avoid disappointment, always read carefully the general conditions of sale before you commit.

Our opinion

Our opinion: Quadruple play offers are really worth it, from the moment we subscribe to the one that is the most adapted and where one remains attentive to all the conditions. Our survey showed that Bouygues Telecom's all-in-one ideo packages are currently the most competitive on the market. If patience is one of your qualities, you can expect the free operator's offer to be launched in early 2012.