A good energy distribution
Complex carbohydrates require a slower digestion. This digestive slowdown allows to release energy over a longer period. These slow sugars are interesting from the point of view of satiety. Before physical exertion or to avoid small gaps between meals, it is important to consume complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates, in what form?
Carbohydrates are found in all foods. Complex carbohydrates, for their part, are present in whole grains, which come in the form of breads, flakes or rice. Incomplete cereals also contain complex carbohydrates but in smaller quantities. Pasta, legumes and potatoes are also rich in complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates do not make you fat
On the contrary! These are real assets when you follow a diet. Whole-grain bread or cereals for breakfast, pasta for lunch and lentils at dinner help bring energy to the day. Complex carbohydrates must be accompanied by protein, fat and fiber for a balanced diet.