A terrine of porcini mushrooms.
For this, we will need 1 kilo 3 of mushrooms: 1 kilo for stuffing and 300 gr of garnish.
Rip the feet off the ground and cut off the feet of the hat. Wash in vinegar water.
Mop. Preferably mop the feet. Add 2 yellow and 3 eggs to the cutter.
Mix and pour 300 g of cream. Season with salt, pepper, nutmeg.
Slice the chests in half.
In a hot skillet greased with olive oil, sauté them. Fry for 15 minutes.
Rissoler, season with salt, garlic, chopped parsley and pepper. Shirt a terrine of film paper.
In a salad bowl, coat the sautéed mushrooms with the stuffing.
Cook in a bain-marie in a 180 ° oven for 1 hour. Allow to cool and put a weight on it.
After 24 hours, cut slices and heat with steam and taste with a fine herb butter.