Expired product ? The mention on the packaging is significant!

On all food packaging , you can find the words "Best before the ..." or " Drink before". The wording of the two is not the same, it means that the consequences for your health are not identical if the consumption date is exceeded.
In the first case "Best before" indicates an optimal use-by date. This means that there is no risk in eating them after the mentioned date. This is usually dry, smoked or freeze-dried products. The only problem? The flavor may be altered ...
In the second case "To consume before the" indicates a date of imperative consumption. If it is exceeded, the food can be potentially dangerous to your health. It is fresh and therefore perishable products such as cheese or cold cuts ...

Foods to watch

If you keep them cool , you can keep them for up to 28 days after the date on the package. On the other hand if the eggs are used in a preparation, it is better not to keep it more than 48h.
Remember: keep an eye on the shell, because when damaged, germs may appear and you may be subject to food poisoning by salmonella ...

If your favorite yogurt has been refrigerated in its pot intact, no problem to keep it for a week after the date indicated on the label. Since it is acidic, there is no danger to consume it a few days later except that its richness in taste changes and its acidity takes over ...
Remember: the texture and taste are altered and intoxication can also occur ...

Ground meat
If you buy it from your favorite butcher , you must consume it the same day ! On the other hand, if you buy it under vacuum in supermarkets, you can consume it within a week following the date mentioned on the packaging.
Remember: meat is one of the most perishable products. So you have to watch her closely!

Generally, the cheeses are subjected to the mention "to consume preferably before" since with the time they evolve without microbiological risk.
To remember: there are exceptions for example fresh cheese with pasteurized goat's milk. ... Because of the risk of developing listeria bacteria, pregnant women are advised not to consume this kind of food during pregnancy!