Essential oils have multiple uses when it comes to improving our well-being and our health. The point with Isabelle Pacchioni, creator of the mark Puressentiel and co-author, with Danièle Festy, of the Guide of pocket of aromatherapy , editions Leduc.S.

What is the interest of essential oils compared to medicines?

In addition to their all-natural composition , the therapeutic value of essential oils lies in their extraordinary variety of biochemical molecules : up to 200 for some! Each of them has various properties, unlike conventional drugs that usually contain only one molecule. Their effectiveness has been demonstrated by many high-level studies.

What are the limits of essential oils?

Aromatherapy is a cure for small daily ailments for the whole family , but is not intended to cure serious illnesses such as cancer or diabetes for which it is necessary to turn to a doctor. The essential oil, however, is a natural accompaniment to "heavy" drug treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy that can reduce some side effects such as nausea or skin burns.

How to choose your essential oils?

First, it's better to buy them in pharmacies . And on the bottle, look for the words "100% pure and 100% natural" and "HEBBD" (Essential Oil Botanically and Biochemically Defined). They guarantee the botanical origin , the organ producing the plant and its biochemical profile. One can also choose formulas of essential oils ready : they are very easy to use and do not present any risk of overdose or toxicity.

Discover our complete file on essential oils and aromatherapy and their multiple uses on our health.