• Play sports

It's obvious that regular physical activity helps you maintain good health, keep the line, and keep a young spirit. In addition to the benefits of sport on your body, physical activity allows you to stimulate your mind, to be more open and more relaxed. The better age, it is prepared as much in the head as in the body.

  • Crossword

Just as your muscles, your brain needs workouts. Take time to read, to play logic games, to make crossword puzzles ... Read the newspaper and keep the games page. By training your brain every day, you will work the memory and all the cognitive functions that allow you to stay young!

  • Wear tinted glasses

To be at the forefront of fashion and to preserve your youth, bet on glasses with tinted lenses. Some are colored according to the brightness and it's good for you. Why ? Because these glasses filter the UV and protect your eyes from the risks of eye problems, such as cataracts, common with age. These tinted lenses also reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.

tinted glasses smoked glasses

  • Practice fasting

This particular practice would be able to extend your life expectancy. You can practice alternative or intermittent fasting, depriving you of eating either one day a week, three days a month, seven days a year or five days twice a year! For an alternative fast, you can fast for 16 hours a day. The principle ? Eat only for a period of eight hours, between 13 hours and 21 hours for example or noon and 20 hours. This diet is also called the 8-hour diet.

  • Eat colorful

This is the longevity secret of the people of Okinawa Island, in southern Japan. The idea is to eat every day extremely colorful food! In their plate, fruits and vegetables of season of different colors. Pigments mark the presence of antioxidants, perfect for preserving health! It's even better if the food comes straight from your vegetable garden!

  • Make love

This should be a precept of life! To keep your youth, bet on your relationship with your partner. A sex-rich life helps protect your body. The secretion of endorphins, the hormones of pleasure make you feel good in your head and body. So make love as regularly as possible, to stay young the longest.

make love to stay young

  • Practice the anti-aging massage

Well-controlled self-massage techniques will prevent the appearance of wrinkles and keep a young face. To smooth your forehead, open your eyes and flip your head back to look up. Raise the eyebrows with astonishment, without squinting the brow and as high as possible. With your ten fingers, massage your temples, eyebrows and forehead into small circles. Your thumbs must go around your ears. By massaging, mobilize your scalp to stimulate circulation and make a kind of lifting smoothing. Finally, close and slowly open your eyes. Every day, repeat this massage between two to six times per thirty second period. Take breaks to breathe quietly.

  • Take care of your teeth

From the health of the teeth stems your overall well-being. Regularly visit your dentist for checks and at least once a year, do a descaling. Indeed, calculus makes your teeth less resistant. After 50 years, it is held because the periodontium, the support tissue, becomes more vulnerable and the lower teeth tend to move. For a sparkling smile, we make the dentist our best friend!

  • Meet your friends

Friends forge youth! To preserve your body and mind, organize meetings and outings with your friends and stay well surrounded. Seeing your surroundings allows you to stimulate your intellect and boost your morale. In addition, invest in volunteer activities or associations: being useful to society is an excellent anti-depressant and allows you to see life in pink!