In recent years, classical dance has become popular. From the Repetto Floral Water campaign to the OPI nail polish campaign, the ballerina is in the spotlight. Light, graceful and elegant, she embodies a symbol of femininity with an elongated silhouette in the style of Nathalie Portman in "Black Swan". An artistic sport that is becoming more and more adept.


The origins of ballet date back to the fifteenth century and the Italian Renaissance. But it was at the French court, during the reign of Louis XIV, that classical dance developed. Passionate about this art, the Sun King will even found the Royal Academy of Dance in 1661 and dance in many ballets. The first steps of classical dance such as hunted or sissonnes are thus born at this time.

Are you tempted by an apprenticeship in classical dance? Do not hesitate to go to a club to attend a session, take a trial class and possibly tempt you! There is no age to begin or resume this discipline: more and more clubs welcome adults of all levels.

The course of a course may differ from one school to another. However, any session starts with a warm-up on the ground or at the helm. Then follow the realization of classical dance movements in the center of the room. As you go through the sessions, you will learn the five positions of the arms, the six positions of the feet, the wearing of arms, the steps being driven, the folded, the half-folded, etc. After a few years of practice, you can acquire the technique of half-points and spikes.

Before investing in a tutu or leotard, do not hesitate to ask your school if teachers require a specific outfit.

The benefits of classical dance

  • Win in elegance

Do you dream of looking like Odette in Swan Lake? Classical dance will help you gain elegance and lightness by improving your posture and wearing your head.

  • Become more flexible

The many classical dance movements and the different stretching exercises will make you more flexible and graceful.

  • Have a challenge (size!)

Going to dance late is a real challenge! And yet, many are the ones to finally take the plunge and gain a good level. You will never be a star dancer, but the first goal is, above all, to please yourself?

  • Deep Muscle

Who has never dreamed of having a dancer silhouette, slender and elegant as possible? Classical dance is a real sport during which you will strengthen your buttocks , and firm your thighs. In addition, the cladding required by the posture and head wear of classical dance will help you find a flat stomach .

  • Gain self-confidence

We raise our heads, we throw our torso and we launch. To dance is to learn to let go and accept your body.