Yoga is nidra, what is it?

Also called sleep yoga , this discipline is slow, almost mental. It is practiced lying down on the ground. Its benefits? It is a real antidote to our hectic life, ideal for fighting blues or mental fatigue.

Why does it work?

"These hyper-relaxing postures, associated with a deep and calm breathing , lead to emptying in oneself and help to dispel mental fatigue ", according to Thierry Loussouarn , yoga teacher, sophrologist and psychotherapist, author of Initiation to yoga , ed . Dangles.

The yoga of sleep at home

Beginner or confirmed yogut , you can try yoga nidra. Here are 2 exercises to do at home:

  • Lying on the floor on the back, a cushion placed at the very bottom of the back, chin slightly tucked in. Arms along the body, palms of the hands open, we bring the soles of foot against each other, knees open. We close our eyes and breathe calmly. We focus on his breath and relax his body as much as possible. The position is maintained for 10 minutes.
  • Lying on her back, head resting on a cushion, arms and legs slightly apart, toes pointing outward, palms open. Eyes closed, inhale by swelling the belly and expire slowly (3 times). The whole body is released as much as possible by allowing itself to be carried by the rhythm of its breathing. This exercise is repeated for 10 minutes.

5 golden rules before starting

Yoga is a sport like any other. Before soliciting muscles and breath, one must carefully prepare his body.

  1. Never stretch a cold muscle . Like an elastic, if you pull too hard, it breaks.
  2. Whatever the stretch, we avoid jolts . The exercises are performed slowly and gradually. A muscle takes a while to relax.
  3. We never go beyond an unbearable threshold of tension. The pain is an alarm signal .
  4. We remain attentive to his body . If you are tired, you avoid intensive stretching.
  5. We breathe regularly, calmly and deeply.