Be careful, lasers emit potentially dangerous radiation. Precautions are required: any session is done in a dedicated room, under the supervision of a doctor and provided with a mandatory eye protection .

  • Against redness (rosacea, rosacea, visible veins ...): the laser KTP or pulsed dye

How does it happen ? A probe is moved on the face and delivers a targeted dose of energy (formed light). It causes either the bursting of the vascular walls, or a coagulation of hemoglobin in the blood vessels.

Which suites? Bruising for about ten days in the first case. Redness and slight edema for a few days in the second case but less efficacy on diffuse redness compared to the other method.

How many sessions? Two to four sessions spaced more than two months apart.

The price: Between 200 and 400 € per session following the laser and the surface to be treated.

  • Against stains: the Q Switched laser

How's it going ? The skin must not have tan traces . The pulses of the laser burst melanin fragments without damaging the adjacent tissues.

Which suites? Sensation of sunburn a few hours later, small crusts lasting one to two weeks.

How many sessions? Variables depending on the number of spots, but usually 2 to 3 sessions spaced a month are enough.

The price: From 200 € the session.

  • Against deep wrinkles: fractional ablative laser (Fraxel type)

The CO2 laser was abandoned more or less abandoned because of its risk of depigmentation, in favor of the fractional laser.

How's it going ? The face is coated with anesthetic cream one hour before the session which lasts about 30 minutes. This form of dermabrasion is intended to stimulate cellular regeneration and to make a new skin .

Which suites? Crusts and seeps impose a social eviction of a few days.

How many sessions? Two to three sessions spaced two to three months apart.

The price: 350 to 500 € depending on the areas to be treated.

  • Against shallow but diffuse wrinkles: non-ablative fractional laser

How's it going ? As for deep wrinkles but the effect of the laser is less aggressive because not ablative. The fine lines are erased, the refined skin texture, the pores tightened, the complexion is luminous.

Which suites? Comparable to a big sunburn.

How many sessions? Two to four sessions spaced a month apart.

The price: 400 to 800 € for the complete face, per session.

The right plan for an overall anti-aging effect: two non-ablative laser sessions all over the face associated with one to two sessions on deep wrinkles.

  • For facial hair removal: the Alexandrite and diode laser (light skin) and the Nd Yag laser (dark skin)

How's it going ? The laser reaches the pigmented hair bulbs that will be destroyed because of their pigmentation. The resting bulbs will gradually give birth to new hairs. Hence the obligation to do several sessions.

Which suites? Some small red dots at the impact of the ray for one to two hours, easily camouflaged by a foundation. The skin is glabrous after the session.

How many sessions? Six to ten for the face.

The price: For lips and / or chin, 60 to 100 € per session.

  • Against excessive sweating or underarm hyperhidrosis: the Miradry technique

How's it going ? Short microwaves specifically target the only sweat glands because of their high water content and destroy them ... The area to be treated is anesthetized by injections. The session lasts about an hour.

Which suites? The effect is immediate and the patient returns home without any sequelae. The following day we find in 80% of cases the cessation of perspiration.

How many sessions? In 80% of cases, only one is sufficient because the body is unable to make new sweat glands. Rest assured: stopping perspiration in the armpits is safe, as it represents only 1% of the sweat of the whole body.

The price: 2400 € (1200 € if a second session is necessary, in about 20% of cases.)

Thanks to Dr. Jean-Michel Mazer, dermatologist and laser specialist.