• What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin care, made with a small micro-needle roller called roller, which micro-perforates the skin and which aims to reactivate the production of collagen in the skin, to revive the healing process of the skin. dermis and to better penetrate the care that is put on the skin after the treatment. It is popular with women who want to reduce the signs of aging , gain firmness, revive the radiance of their skin and erase or reduce acne . Depending on the thickness of the roller needles, its intensity varies, and it can be done at the institute or at home.

  • What are the different types of microneedling?

There are several types. The first, the manual microneedling, which is done in an institute with a single-use roller. In general, the pins or needles are 0.5 mm thick. The second, which is also realized in institute can be related to a radiofrequency apparatus. And the third, also manual, can be done at home with a roll of 0.1 or 0.2 mm that is not for single use and requires to be scrupulously sterilized before and after each treatment.

  • How is the treatment done?

In any case, before starting a manual or other treatment at home or in an institute, it is imperative to clean the face with a sterilizing solution to prevent bacteria from entering the dermis when opening the skin barrier to puncture of the pimples. Then if the care is done in an institute, the beautician is provided with a sterilized disposable roller and then begins to perform the care of rolling the roller several times on the entire face vertically and at the same time. horizontal. Since the operation perforates the skin, there may be small bleeding and care that lasts 15 to 20 minutes is generally unpleasant or painful depending on the sensitivity of the person. At its end, the beautician cleans the skin with a specific wipe and then applies a firming care so that it is directly absorbed by the skin.

Obviously, this type of care causes redness that fade after 24 to 48 hours on average, and in some cases more rare after 4 days. If care is done at home, you must have the same sanitary precautions as institute and specific microneedling packs exist. The only thing that differs is the thickness of the roller needles which are thinner and therefore less intense on the skin.

  • Is it suitable for everyone?

There are obviously contraindications: pregnant women, people on anticoagulants or anti-inflammatories, people suffering from autoimmune diseases, or people who have rashes, acne, herpes absolutely must abstain. Then, it must also be known that there are precautions to take after the completion of the treatment. It is forbidden to put on make-up, to go to the swimming pool, to make sauna or hammam, and to expose oneself to the sun the week following the care.

  • Where to buy to make it at home:


  • Where to do it?

Depending on where you live, there are several centers of aesthetic medicine in France that practice, including Dr. Michel Tordjman in Paris. But before you start, find out about the practices of the center and make sure the rules of hygiene are respected.

  • Price:

Between 150 and 300 euros the session in institute, knowing that the results are seen after 3 to 4 sessions. Or about 60 euros the derma roller pack with care.