Never again will you look at your chocolate wafer as before. A new study breaks down beliefs about "good things" that make us feel guilty. Indeed, Tim Spector, a professor and researcher in genetic epidemiology at King's College London, wanted to revive some things about diets.

"We ingest microbes that end up in our intestines where they diversify according to the food we eat over the years. The more diverse our diet is, the more microbes in our body are, and that's what keeps us healthy, "says Professor Spector. In other words, depriving yourself of certain foods "considered bad for the line" when trying to lose weight is not really a solution.

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On the contrary, it is by consuming diversified and especially "good" foods such as cheese, wine or even chocolate (all in reasonable quantity) that allow to stay in good health and keep the line. "5,000 years ago, our ancestors regularly ingested nearly 150 ingredients a week ... Today, most people consume fewer than twenty types of ingredients, and most are refined," says Tim Spector. In reality, therefore, the microbes we eat are both essential to our digestion but they also control the calories we absorb, not to mention their intake of enzymes and essential vitamins.

The key to staying healthy and keeping the line? The di-ver-si-fi-ca-tion of the diet. A good reason to continue eating cheese, chocolate and drinking red wine and all sorts of other things.

all i want is a drink