Bike or jog to taper the legs

Two activities that particularly solicit the lower body, thighs but also the buttocks. The muscles grow at the expense of fat and especially of orange peel. Very quickly, the legs are refined, the buttocks are firmer and more plump. And the skin smoother. Blood circulation is more efficient and venous return too. If you burn fewer calories on your bike than when you run, you can save your back, ankles and knees. In both cases, one works the breath and the endurance.

Boxing or karate to tone the breasts

For sure, both of them involve important cardiovascular work and allow you to let off steam after a day in the office. These are sports in extension that musclent the silhouette in length without gaining volume. We refined, we gain agility, we develop the rib cage. The breasts and all the muscles of the arms are toned. All to have the nymph!

Yoga or swimming to mobilize the whole silhouette

Two different approaches to solicit the legs, the arms, the thighs, the back, the abs ... all the muscles of the body harmoniously, smoothly and without trauma. Yoga focuses on breathing and body placement, relaxation and concentration. It allows to relax the joints smoothly. While swimming allows them to operate in weightlessness without pressure. The water also has a draining and relaxing massage.