Aluminum salts are among the controversial substances and are believed to favor certain breast cancers. Claims that are hard to prove but seem more and more plausible. In September, a study published in the International Journal of Cancer showed that aluminum salts cause tumors in mice . If this does not constitute a formal proof of their harmfulness in women, it is better to be cautious and try to ban these products from our routine. But how can we do this?

What are the uses of aluminum salts?

They are actually used to reduce the pore diameter of the skin in the armpits. Suddenly, sweating is limited and we avoid unsightly halos and bad smells. To avoid these substances, some have turned to stone alum which was a big marketing success in the 2000s ... Before seeing the wind turn. Because it is natural, alum stone also contains aluminum salts.

100% natural, the essential oil of palmarosa

It's our favorite product to stay cool all day without taking any risk. Antimicrobial, this essential oil leaves a delicate wake on the armpits from morning to evening. A pure drop under each arm helps to hold the day and also prevents fungal infections. Only small problem: some sensitive skin can be irritated by the essential oil of palmarosa. In this case, it is better to turn to another product.

Discover in the slideshow our selection of deodorants without aluminum salts !