Vitamin B12 in prevention of depression

Vitamin B12 (or cobalamin) is a nutrient necessary for growth, for the proper functioning of the cells of our body. It affects the balance of the nervous system, the prevention of cardiovascular disease and the production of red blood cells. It works in the prevention against depression .

Foods rich in vitamin B12

It is found mainly in offal, crustaceans and to a lesser extent in meat, fish and dairy products (cheeses). Plants do not bring this vitamin. Some preparations are enriched with vitamin B12. It is the only vitamin B that our body makes, however in insufficient quantity. We must bring it by our food.

Vitamin B12 deficiency?

It is important to guard against vitamin B12 deficiency. Vegan people who do not eat vitamin B12 fortified products need to supplement their vitamin B12 intake, as well as the elderly. It has an action on the brain, pregnant and lactating women must ensure that they receive sufficient intake.

It is important to know how to spot and avoid a deficiency . A lack of vitamin B12 is characterized by a loss of appetite and a great fatigue . She is the cause of anemia. Neuropsychiatric disorders can occur in cases of severe deficiency. Overdose is rather rare, vitamin B12 being water soluble, it is eliminated in the urine.