Sweet potato, essential minerals
Minerals essential to the functioning of our organism include manganese and copper , which are found in large quantities in sweet potatoes. Copper boosts your enzymes , and is a real partner for your digestion. It also has antioxidant properties and an action on the metabolism of iron , to protect your immune system. Sweet potato also provides you with manganese, which acts on cholesterol , carbohydrates and amino acids . If you cook sweet potatoes, remember to keep the skin, which concentrates most vitamins and minerals . Also pay attention to your cooking method . The higher the temperature, the longer the cooking , the more nutrients are destroyed. The steaming is the most respectful of the product.

Sweet potato, many actions on health
Sweet potato is a real asset for your health. In addition to its richness in vitamins and minerals, sweet potato can take care of you by making you happy. Sweet potato, with many fibers , has a beneficial effect on digestion, and intestinal transit. It is also lent virtues to fight against cardiovascular diseases, acting against the bad cholesterol, and against the hepatic problems, decreasing the liver enzymes in the liver. According to some studies, sweet potato also has positive effects on memory and diabetes.

Cooking the sweet potato
Sweet potato is very close to the potato, at least in terms of consistency and cooking. You can cut it into slices and pan it with shallots or onions . You can mash it to accompany a meat . Kids love sweet potato fries that have this inimitable and surprising sweet flavor. If you want your fat intake, you can put sweet potatoes in the oven. And for innovative recipes, do not hesitate to present your sweet potatoes in crumble or in a sweet cake.