Their characteristics vary and the possibilities are endless: tiny, huge, in black and white, in color, abstract, figurative ... The tattoo forearm is often incredibly creative! Some are unfinished and are complete only when the hands meet in a gesture of prayer, some are graphic, others represent animals or flowers ... The tattoos of the forearms are popular and taking a ride on Pinterest, we understand why ...

Say everything with a tattoo on your forearm ...

Both sensual and committed, decorative, funny, touching or message, the tattoos forearms dress the body while denuding the personalities. Flowers, cats, birds, psychedelic symbols ... Let us, too, try to tattoo forearms or not, we just want to take a full look or we are looking for inspiration, Pinterest is full of nuggets in terms of tattoos! And for those who dare not take the leap of the permanent tattoo, there are many skin jewels to test our desires. And everything is allowed since it is ephemeral!