Principal accused

According to Professor Joel Paquereau , president of INSV ( National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance ), it is our way of life that is involved. "The TV available all night, the rise of the Internet, the proliferation of video games push us to cut back on our sleep time. Add to that a longer transport time (2 hours on average in the Paris region) and more often offbeat schedules, which force the French to go to bed later.

The risks

Sleeping less and less well ( 1/3 of French suffer from insomnia , a figure constantly increasing) has adverse consequences. Fatigue, less efficiency at work, absenteeism, road accidents: " Sleep has become a public health problem . "

Young, most affected

According to the Ministry of Health , teenagers and students would have lost 2 hours of sleep in thirty years . A survey by the CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris) shows that 82% of 3rd graders go to bed after 10 pm on weekdays , far too late according to pediatricians. A factor of fatigue, school difficulties and even weight gain!

The answer

The sleep plan put in place by Xavier Bertrand , two years ago, is a beginning of recognition of the problem. For the first time, the Ministry of Health is also sponsoring National Sleep Day on March 18th . "But sleep medicine is not yet officially recognized," lamented INSV, contrary to our German neighbors. However, "dodologues" work in the hundreds of sleep centers that exist in France with still limited means. Hello, mom, sleep?