Our vitality depends above all on our lifestyle , so a good diet and a minimum sleep of 7 hours are essential.

If we spend more than a third of our lives sleeping , there are many people who suffer from sleep disorders : 32% of the French population would indeed suffer from this discomfort. The repercussions on health are not less since nights too short or agitated can have serious consequences : cardiovascular risks, migraines, digestive disorders, weight gain, tendency to depression, increase of stress ...

In the end it is not only your health that is in danger but also your daily life since your mood and your mind are affected, thus impacting your relationships with your family and colleagues. To limit this damage and find a peaceful sleep, think of sleeping early, to practice a sport regularly and limit your consumption of alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee.

Among the laboratories marketing dietary supplements intended to relieve sleep disorders , we find:
- Naturactive, with Serian sleep and Elusanes passionflower
- Arkopharma , with Arkogelules Valerian
- Vitarmonyl Laboratories , with BiOrigine Sommeil