Take some nutrition experts, put them in front of a giant buffet and watch. All will carefully avoid the same dishes to favor others.

Their compass? Products rich in micro-nutrients and low in toxic substances. Same logic when they do their shopping, then in the kitchen, where they take care of the cooking techniques.

A simple rule: avoid as much as possible prepared meals

"A moussaka is quite advisable if the aubergines are baked instead of being fried and if the minced meat is chosen lean" illustrates Maïa Baudelaire. "In general, I avoid dishes prepared outside to control what I eat," shares the nutritionist specialized in micro nutrition.

The specialist advocates "attitude survey" with producers and food labels, coupled with the reconquest of our stoves to protect our health and our wallet. Sometimes you look at your fridge and pans like a chicken in front of a knife? Its subscription-based digital platform * provides simple, tasty and balanced menus, in phase with each season, according to your profile and your priorities. Your line and your taste buds will say thank you!

To avoid:

  • Fastfood menus

At the head, the eternal burger. Bread filled with sugars and preservatives at maximum glycemic load, poor quality fatty meat and loaded with antibiotics and other hormones, sauces with dark composition ... all for a price, compared to what we eat!

Opt for its home version, with a steak (between 150 and 200 gr) that your butcher has minced in a lean and sourced meat, salad leaves washed by you, a slice of tomato and onion, gherkins, mustard or organic ketchup.

Another option: the alternative burgers restaurant that guarantees good products. Same thing for chicken nuggets or fastfood salad, which is poor in nutrients but sometimes almost as caloric as the burger, the fault with sauces.

Another pitfall to avoid, the kebab. "We must be wary of this meat that dripped with fat, which we do not know the origin," warns Maia Baudelaire.

  • Frozen lasagna

In addition to the potential health faults revealed by the horsemeat scandal, frozen dishes are usually from production chains governed by savings on the product, hence the poor nutritional quality of the food used. Concentrates of sugars, salt and other flavor enhancers, they are certainly practical but we will avoid them to the maximum.

  • Raclette

In itself, this hit of friendly dishes is very nutritious, provided you control the origin of the products that compose it. Purchased in supermarkets, it is likely that the sausage is stuffed with nitrites (E 250 and E 252), carcinogens, but also artificial hormones that cause hormonal imbalances. Find out fissa a conscientious charcuterie whose sectors respect the breeding.

Same thing for cheeses. If you are in the mountains and you have access to a local production, go with your eyes closed and the palace in celebration. However, in view of the richness of the feast, limit yourself to two or three squeegees a year, accompanied by a green salad and followed the next day by a light and vegetable cure.

  • The low-end sandwich

His X-ray makes the nutritionists cry. White bread stuffed with hidden sugars (hello insulin dump and cravings that will follow willy-nilly), lightened margarine (it behaves like saturated fat like butter, without the vitamins of the latter) and ham industrialized with antibiotics and nitrites ... help!

Rely on organic sourdough bread (no additive) full or cereals (rich in B vitamins and fiber), a quality ham and, for the gourmet side, a little homemade mayonnaise or mustard. Perfectionists will add sprouts, condensed vitamins and minerals, a salad leaf, slices of tomato and cucumber. Yummie .

  • The puffed rice cakes

You think you have a health reflex by crunching in these little light discs at will, but they behave exactly like a slice of white bread on the plane of blood glucose (their GI is 91, not so far from that of glucose, fixed 100). To banish, therefore, as well for your health as for your line, for the benefit of a handful of natural almonds.

  • The strawberry pie

Off season of this fruit star, it is sacrilege. "They are red, strawberry-shaped but have no taste; the bakeries or supermarkets compensate with an artificial make-up consequently, sugar and aromas in the head "describes Maïa Baudelaire, who prefers to prepare herself a pastry (" super easy "), to garnish it with currant jam and strawberries. have reached maturity.

The rule applies to all fruits and vegetables: "nature is well done; Seasonal ingredients provide your body with the nutrients it needs for the time of year. "

  • Ice creams

These preparations made from milk and cream are delicious but extremely caloric; a Magnum ice cream can quickly reach 500 calories! Prefer them sorbets. In France, there are nearly 22 million overweight people. Avoiding hidden fats and sugars is a priority.

* www.maiabaudelaire.com