Equipped with purifying organs to neutralize these unwanted - the liver and kidneys filter waste, intestines, skin and lungs evacuate outside - they overflow and saturate. The toxins accumulate.

Result: the body weakens and accuses loss tonu s complexion blurs, cellulite appears, not including buttons, headache, nausea, insomnia, digestive disorders, arthritis attacks ...

"Hepatic fouling can also be the source of a drop in the vigor of the immune system," says Christian Brun, professor of naturopathy and author of "Clean and drain his liver naturally" (edited by Guy Trenadiel).

The liver is indeed involved in the production of defense cells against microbial invasions . To recharge your vitality in two or three weeks, we suggest you return to a more natural diet that is easy to digest, rely on plants, massages , breathing techniques that relieve toxic load and deeply clean organs. .

For a boosted liver

The body's largest organ, the liver plays a crucial role in the elimination of residues that clog the body. All pass through him: "dead cells, used minerals, toxic drugs, food additives ..." , explains the Swiss naturopath Christophe Vasey, author of "Special detox" (Jouvence ed). To give him a few days of respite, three to four times a year, is therefore indispensable.

The best option? Remove meat, dairy products, eggs, coffee, alcohol and prepared foods at least a week. It's not about eating less, but eating lighter .

To compensate, you have to stock up on vegetables, especially cabbage and broccoli . Their sulfur compounds purify the liver and promote the excretion of heavy metals. Combine them with whole grains and legumes to balance the menus. And if possible opt for organic products and mild cooking (steamed, smothered ...) to save their exceptional content of nutrients.

Christophe Vasey also recommends a cure for milk thistle, a cousin of the artichoke, rich in silymarin and silybin that protect the liver cells. These assets also stimulate their capacity for self-regeneration, say scientific studies.

To take in the form of dry extracts (2 capsules per day of Milk Thistle). Or in decoction: boil ½ tsp. to s. seeds in 150 ml of water for 30 min. Filter before drinking. Four cups a day for three weeks.

For lighter intestines

The lazy intestines poorly sort out nutrients useful to the body and unusable residues. They absorb toxic substances that should not be.

First solution: increase your fiber consumption. They are essential for a good transit, thus the evacuation of a maximum of waste by the colon. The leek, watercress, onion and asparagus are preferred because they avoid stagnation of undesirable in the digestive tract and promote the balance of the intestinal flora - the famous microbiota - which participates in the process of detoxification.

To protect the walls of the colon , particularly vulnerable to toxins, we can rely on psyllium or ispaghul, seeds rich in mucilage lubricant. It is found in sachets or capsules, combined with other detoxifying plants.

" Massage the viscera also helps to unclog the gallbladder and intestines , so to deflate and prevent the influx of toxins into the bloodstream , ensures Dorothée Drouffe, yoga teacher at the Thalazur center of Ouistreham.It is the very principle of belly yoga.

"This hyper-detox yoga connects postures - cobra, half bridge, dog upside down, plank ... - that brew the intestines:" For an optimal benefit, it is necessary to passively inhale and insist on exhalation, by sucking the navel towards inside to create a vacuum in the abdomen and drain well, "said Dorothée Drouffe. a session of 45 minutes per week cleanses durably.

For cleansed lungs

In the front line of volatile pollutants that float in the air, the lungs, when they are too dirty, struggle to reject gaseous waste and oxygenate the body's cells. It is essential to provide them with healthy air and boost their self-cleaning function. Better stop smoking and avoid crowded streets at rush hour.

At home : regularly check ventilation systems and air at least 15 minutes a day, summer and winter. In fact, indoor air is eight to ten times more polluted than outdoor air, even in the city, according to the Observatory of Indoor Air Quality.

And to optimize the pulmonary exchanges, practice the therapeutic breathing . Instead of inhaling superficially in a jerky way, inhale slowly by unfolding the chest and swelling the belly, then exhale to the maximum. The air no longer stagnates in the lungs, the respiratory efficiency is thus quadrupled.

Do not forget either the depolluting herbal teas . Mullein - or white broth - is the allied medicinal plant of respiration. Its anti-inflammatory active ingredients (saponins and harpagoside) promote the regeneration of pulmonary alveoli. Brew 10 minutes 1 tsp. to s. of mullein flowers in 250 ml of boiling water. Filter before drinking. Two to three cups a day.

For detoxified kidneys

Recognized by the European Medicines Agency, the diuretic properties of birch juice increase the rate of work of the kidneys, which will filter more toxic substances in the blood. Extracted from the leaves of the tree, its extracts minimize water retention and cellulite deposition. They also contain anti-inflammatories (salicylated derivatives) that limit the risk of urinary tract infection.

The right dose, not to exceed on pain of weakening the kidneys: 2 tbsp. to c. three times a day in a three-week course.

If you are allergic to birch pollen, ask your allergist for advice.