A recent tattoo in summer, what to do?

If the urge comes from making a tattoo (discreet or not) , it is better to avoid the summer period and count 2 months until complete healing before the summer. If this has not been the case, do not panic! Here's the procedure to follow :
- For a tattoo done less than a week before, it is better to avoid at all costs the sun. The tattoo should not be exposed at all. It protects itself completely with bandages and clothes.
- For a tattoo less than 2 months, the protection remains optimal: one avoids the bathing and one uses a sunscreen mineral with a sun protection index 50 .

Risks of sunburn

The tattoo is already part of an inflammatory process since the introduction of pigments into the skin, attacks and inflames the tattooed body part. It is therefore necessary to protect his tattoo a maximum for a nice result. Having a sunburn on your tattoo is not harmful to your health (at least not on any other part of the body without a tattoo) , but the sunburn can change the contours and the design, even when the tattoo has been done for over 2 months. The more one exposes his tattoo, the older he gets. The colors paled, the black fades, the contours become blurred and the tattoo can even turn green .

In case of sunburn , Biafine or other ultra moisturizing creams like Dexeryl become our best allies. Do not remove the scabs or blisters if necessary and do not expose themselves without protection to the sun. It may also happen that brown spots appear around the tattoo, due to hyperpigmentation of the skin. So to avoid ending up with a lousy tattoo, we protect ourselves.

Protecting her tattoo on the beach

The summer ritual for a tattoo that does not age (too) is:
- A sunscreen is used with a mineral filter that does not penetrate inside the skin (unlike chemical filters) . Ideal for highly reactive skins, mineral sunscreen filters much more the sun than a sunscreen with chemical filters and allows a solar index of high preference .
- Tattoos are covered with clothes when temperatures are too hot.

Thanks to Dr. Nina Roos , monsitebeaute.com