Choosing your pair of shoes has a real impact on your body. Moreover, by compiling several studies, we realize that wearing high heels - in addition to giving you a great look - can cause several changes to your body. Stop wearing them too: proof by 5!

By giving up heels, your legs will lie down

While many people think that the heels lengthen the silhouette and legs, it may be the opposite. A 2012 study published in The Journal of Applied Physiology, researchers found that those who regularly wearing heels made smaller steps, but also that their calf muscles were smaller. As a result, ironing on flatter shoes could lengthen legs by a few centimeters.

Stow your heels to relieve your back

It's a fact: wearing heels forces you to tilt your pelvis and puts extra pressure on the lumbar spine. New York chiropractor Todd Sinett even argues that women who wear heels too often generally suffer from "spondylolisthesis", the slipping of one vertebra above another.

Saying no to heels is a way to relieve your back!

Remove your heels = more pain (or almost)

Wearing heels does not only shorten your calves: it also creates inflammation of the tendons and the arch. In people with plantar fasciitis , it is not uncommon to observe an inflammation of the thick band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes, resulting in throbbing pains.

Without heels, no more knee discomfort

When you wear heels, your center of gravity moves forward. This puts extra strain on the tendons and ligaments of the knees! The solution to your knee problems is not stopping the sport ...

Abandon your heels to gain balance

A 2015 study of a South Korean airline revealed that only a few years of regular high heel wear leads to imbalances and ankle instability. Choosing "flat" shoes allows for better stability and tenfold increase in ankle balance, according to the researchers.

So ? Convinced to store your stilettos (at least from time to time)?