After a detox diet: Are we allowed new foods?

Fresh algae are purifying and antibacterial. Their fiber density awakens the capricious intestines. Steamed, they settle in salad, wok with garlic and parsley, in foil with fish.

Flax seeds, gently laxative and soothing, detoxify the intestines.

Wheat shoots in salad or blender juice. Their 80% chlorophyll increases the detoxification enzymes.

Light animal proteins , such as sheep, goat, fish - avoid predators (tuna, swordfish, skate) which, at the end of the food chain, accumulate heavy metal pollution - poultry and white meats.

Sprouted seeds of alfalfa, mustard, buckwheat, arugula, alfalfa ...

We reintroduce the salt in moderation, with an organic version ultra-rich in iodine: Herbamare Bio Salt of A. Vogel.

After a detox diet: Vegetable proteins are introduced

Tofu, soy milk curd and molded with zero cholesterol, "good" unsaturated fatty acids and probiotics that fortify the intestinal flora.

The " steak »Vegetal : Seitan is a wheat flour starch preparation which has been removed. In the pan, on a skewer or in the "Bolognese" instead of the beef.

Legumes ( coral and brown lentils, split peas, soybeans, chickpeas, dried beans ...). Assimilated slowly, they ensure a constant vitality. To associate with cereals (quinoa, bulgur ...), whose amino acids complement each other.

After a detox diet: We practice green swinging

Mashed almond, hazelnut or sesame instead of butter and crème fraîche.

Syrups of agave or maple (the grade B, the most brut), rapadura and honey instead of white sugar.

Dairy milk, soy, rice, almond or chestnut milk instead of cow's or sheep's milk.

A detox diet: My cruise type menu

Upon waking: 1 juice of aloe vera or birch.

Breakfast: 1 green tea (at will during the day) ? 2 slices of sourdough bread or complete with 1 hazelnut almond or hazelnut purée or 1 bowl of organic muesli ? 1 whole fruit unpressed ? Si you are hungry 1 soy yogurt.

Snack: 1 tbsp. flaxseed 1 large glass of detox juice.

Lunch: 1 lemon juice lukewarm water. At each meal, divide (seasoning, cooking) 1 tbsp. coffee oil (olive, rapeseed, camelina ...) or sesame puree 100 g vegetable protein (1 steak of seitan or tofu) or fish or poultry 1 large plate of half-steamed vegetables, half raw (include algae twice a week) ? 1 Chinese bowl of legumes (see below) 1 green tea. 1 Chinese bowl of whole grain cereals 4 times a week. 1 fruit for dessert if breakfast without cereals.

Taste: 1 detox infusion 1 sheep yogurt or 1 glass of chestnut milk 1 fruit or 1 compote without added sugar or 1 detox juice.

Dinner: 1 lemon juice lukewarm water. 1 to 2 bowls of soup 1 large plate of vegetables or 1 large salad 1 yogurt of sheep with agave syrup or 1 faisselle with honey

In the evening: infusion at will.