Books, silent dinners, a one-year festival at the Palais de Chaillot, and may soon be a foundation ... never has silence been so trendy!

Because the return to calm in a world of noise (brutes?) Is at once a desire and a need, the disciplines of well-being rely on the extraordinary resource offered by silence, this ingredient of balance , neurological health and even creativity .

Escape the sound saturation to recharge your batteries

First regeneration lever: the external silence . To resist the tyranny of the sound saturation that reigns in cities, multiply escapements in nature! This is the message of the anthropologist and sociologist David Le Breton.

"Because it is increasingly rare, silence becomes an aspiration, a value that continues to assert itself. It allows to find the slowness, and promotes the recoil, the thought, the reflection. We reconnect with the beauty of the world and we recharge. This explains the success of internships in monasteries, zen initiations in the mountains. For the Trappist brothers, silence is a communion, a way of being intensely present in the world. (...) Some people experience this time of silence more simply, while gardening. The collective gardens, away from the cities, in preserved places, become again desirable, "describes this inveterate walker.

The author of many books on silence and walking (Métailié editions) invites to organize every weekend a walk in the forest or any other natural space preserved from urban madness: "Once this ritual is established, the aura the coming silence inspires you from Monday and gives you energy all week long. "

Establish digital lockouts

That did not escape you: the Digital Detox market is booming. Born in the United States in response to the contemporary pathology called FOMO, acronym for "Fear Of Missing Out", this funny cure invites to heal the compulsive relationship to the internet , messaging and other social networks.

Disconnecting from the technological restores the link with our loved ones and allows us to "reload" with our interiority.

As for the food detox, it is possible to organize and cure self-taught: to establish a cut-off screens after a certain time in the evening, and why not Sunday in normal times; and several days in a row during the holidays. A healthy lifestyle at the time of all connected.

Put away the inner noise for a life-saving rest

Isolating yourself from the noise and getting indented is not always enough to recharge one's batteries. Once the external noise and the pressure of the sur connection are curbed, still remains the inner noise, that of our thoughts. This is the challenge of meditative techniques.

For Marc de Smedt, French publisher and journalist, a specialist in meditation techniques and world wisdom, these are of course a form of profound peace, but not only. "There is a metabolism of inner silence, which operates our own natural endorphin factories. The organic rest it provides is deeper than that achieved during sleep. Associated breathing consumes less air while providing increased oxygenation of the lungs. And the body produces less waste! Hence the urgency of cultivating this state of mind, "points out the writer.

Learn about meditation for better health

At a time that generates more and more psychosomatic imbalances , meditation acts on the hormonal , vascular and muscular system, increases immunity, regulates sensitivity to pain, soothes fear, anxiety and stress.

Side brain activity, it balances the degrees of excitation of the two hemispheres. This equilibrium point of intelligences and senses facilitates harmony between body and mind. It plunges the being into a state of high experience that promotes psycho-therapeutic integration.

A simple access tool and extremely effective? Conscious breathing In place of sleeping pills and anxiolytics, it is, for Marc de Smedt, one of the most powerful techniques of silence developed by the East.

"Focusing on the back-and-forth breathing puts the inner noise away, reconnects us to reality, reveals that beauty is everywhere, even when walking in the street. "

The serenity of silence is within breath. Health too.