What is microkinesitherapy?
What can be treated with microkinesitherapy?
Who is microkinesitherapy for?

What is microkinesitherapy?

Developed in the 80s by two physiotherapists, the microwave physio sithérapie micropalpation uses the technique to target the source of a painful failure. Indeed, a micro-physiotherapist is able, by realizing very soft palpations in well-targeted places, to determine the areas of immobility or resistance that cause a problem that medical technology devices (scanner, MRI ...) are only able to target.

A microkinesitherapy session is intended to allow the body to " heal itself ". For this, the professional will manually and gently reproduce the initial trauma to revive the memory of our body for it to put into action its "healing assets". Thus, previously damaged tissues are reconstituted to recover all together.

What can be treated with microkinesitherapy?

Microkinesitherapy can be practiced in the case of disorders of muscular or bone origins (sprains, tendonitis, torticollis ...) but also in the context of fatigue, insomnia, vertigo or for psychological or emotional shocks ...

This technique must be performed by a professional . In France, more than 1800 microkinesitherapists have been certified 2 ° by the training center in microkinesitherapy (CFM). They know perfectly the 'cards' developed by the founders of this technique, which trace the correspondence between certain parts of the body . They allow the micro-kinetic therapist to quickly find the primary lesion causing many alterations dispatched in the body.

Who is microkinesitherapy for?

Microkinesitherapy is for all beings: humans and animals , whatever their age . Thus, infants can also follow this type of treatment without pain . As a general rule, only one session is enough . If necessary you can do a second, provided you respect a gap of at least a week between the two. You can of course use other techniques of care in parallel with microkinesitherapy ( acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy ...) provided again to space each technique of 8 days minimum so that your body does not receive too much information in the same time, which could disturb its operation.

For more information, visit https://www.microkinesitherapie.com/en/