And what do you want for Christmas? As we passed the age of the list to Santa Claus we are sometimes caught off guard by this question. Still, Christmas is predictable as a party ! But as always there are cicadas and ants ... Those who will do everything at the last moment , in stress and precipitation. Those who from the first day of Advent put themselves in "Christmas spirit" mode. Others, finally, who embark on preparations in the autumn that they have begun, concoct recipes, think about decoration, design and manufacture certain presents themselves. There are even people who rush into the shops in mid-October, because, according to some indicators, prices would tend to increase the month before the holidays .

Sure that if we hope for a madness , an expensive present, better to warn his entourage in advance, history that those who love us to make common pot . Because the budget devoted to Christmas shopping is down slightly this year, the French announce they want to spend 302 € (study Deloitte cabinet, November 2013) for their Christmas presents.

35 gifts under 40 €

So we are reasonable in our choices, even if we hope for a nice gift under the tree . Because most often it is not the price that matters but the idea, and we gift ideas we have heaps. Pretty things to have style, beautiful objects to give character to our interiors, happy jewelery to chase the winter, accessories full of humor to put us in a good mood ...

Look, you will find yours!