Invented in the 1930s by the wrestling and boxing champion Imrich Lichtenfeld, Krav Maga is not a combat sport in itself.


What is Krav Maga?

It is a method of self-defense that helps to better understand stressful situations, especially in case of possible aggression.

During a Krav Maga class, we simulate situations, we learn to coordinate our movements and we acquire good reflexes in case of confrontation with any opponent.

All this in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. And for good reason, the competition does not exist in Krav Maga.

An ideal sport to learn the "self defense"

Krav Maga proposes to assimilate and reproduce relatively simple defense techniques through sequences of movements.

The good news is that it is useless to be a great athlete to practice this discipline, its philosophy is essentially based on the speed and precision of gestures and blows.

A toned body

The other appreciable quality of this sporting activity is its capacity to firm up the silhouette in a few weeks. And this, without requiring an insurmountable effort ... Krav Maga, although it is a martial art, is not a violent or constraining sport.

However, the methods of self defense tend to solicit all our muscles. We jump, we hit, we lie down, we get up, we counter-attack ... short, an intense training awaits us, but for results that are worth the candle. Hello flat stomach and tapered legs.

Moreover, even if there is no specific contraindication to the practice of Krav Maga, a small visit to the doctor is preferable before launching, especially in case of injury. And if we are pregnant, of course, we forget ... temporarily.

A healthy mind

Krav Maga also has virtues for our well-being. Indeed, his easy-to-memorize combat techniques also teach us how to control our emotions , and therefore how to handle the stress that an anxiety-provoking situation can cause.

After several weeks of practice, exit tensions, you feel freer and better armed with the daily.

Although this discipline requires work on oneself not to be afraid to give and to take blows, the Krav Maga allows us to acquire the good reflexes and to increase undoubtedly our confidence and confidence in us.

No doubt, Krav Maga is the right plan to let off steam with confidence. Icing on the cake, it can be practiced everywhere in France.