Poverty, illness, injustice ... there are unfortunately many causes to defend and it is often difficult to be heard. So many associations and individuals have chosen originality to stand out and raise funds.

Breast Cancer Breast Cancer

In Eve outfit on a bed of green salad or under a mountain of cereals ... Fifteen farmers of the Perche were photographed to create a calendar sold 10 €. All the benefits are donated to the League against Cancer. The initiative pleases and the women farmers make the buzz on the internet. Victim of its success, their calendar has already to be reedited. A beautiful story to follow on the Facebook page Percherose.

A book to fight against hatred and harassment

After the release of one of her videos supporting the utility of Family Planning, the youtubeuse "Klaire grr" receives a slew of insults. Remember that family planning defends the right to contraception and to the chosen motherhood. Far from being dismantled, Klaire grr decides to publish them in a booklet entitled DTC ("In your com", Ed.La City burns) and reverses the 14,004 euros of profits to the association. A foot of nose relayed by all social networks.

A parachute jump against AIDS and genetic diseases

To promote in a playful way the use of condoms, the association "an idea in the air", had an idea of ​​genius. We forget the campaigns of pubs placed on the street and public transport, the association prefers to propose parachute jumps at the price of friends! A playful way to talk about the condom, and at the same time, to talk about fundraisers organized at major solidarity events like Solidays for example. Rendezvous on unidee.asso.fr