In France, 1 in 4 women use at least once in their life the morning after pill; which makes this contraceptive the most used catch-up solution. Yet women are, even today, very poorly informed about it. To allow us to anticipate an emergency situation with more serenity, we go around all the questions we ask ourselves about it.

The morning after pill: what is it?

There are two pills the next day: NorLevo and EllaOne. In both cases, it is an emergency oral contraceptive, a single dose, to be ingested only in case of extreme need.

In which case do we take this pill?

After unprotected intercourse or missed pill over 12 hours if there has been a report within five days of forgetting. The morning after pill is a safety net that helps protect yourself when there is a risk of pregnancy.

How to get it?

The following day's pills are available in pharmacies, at the hospital, in planning centers, but also in some school and university infirmaries. Note that at night, on Sundays and public holidays, the pharmacies on duty provide it.

How much does it cost? Is it refunded?

The morning after pill is free for minors. It can be delivered without prescription but it is reimbursed by the Social Security only if it is the subject of a medical prescription.

In other cases it is paid. It will take between 4 and 10 € for NorLevo and about 19 € for EllaOne, estimated more effective than the other.

When to take it?

Contrary to what his name says, do not wait until the day after the risky report to take it. On the contrary, the sooner this pill is taken, the more effective it will be. The ideal is to get it and swallow it in the hours following the report.

How does she act?

Also called "levonorgestrel", the morning after pill contains a progestative synthetic hormone that aims to stop ovulation to prevent fertilization.

This is also why we should not expect too much to take it, because if the process of fertilization is too advanced, it will not aim to stop it and will be ineffective.

Is it really effective?

It is considered that a morning-after pill, no matter which, should be taken within 12 hours after intercourse to ensure maximum effectiveness is 98% for EllaOne.

After 24 hours its reliability rate drops to 95%, then to 85% after 48 hours before falling to 35% after 5 days.

NorLevo must be taken within three days and not later.

Like to know if it worked?

The easiest way to find out if the morning after pill has taken effect is to wait for the next menstrual period . If they are significantly delayed (more than 5 days) or if there is doubt about the effectiveness of the pill, it is safer to have a pregnancy test.

Are there any side effects?

The reactions to the morning-after pill are not the same from one woman to the next. Although most of the time it does not cause any side effects, some of us may experience stomach upset , nausea or even vomiting, as well as headaches and dizziness . In addition, this emergency contraception can disrupt the menstrual cycle. In some cases, bleeding may occur after taking.

Attention: in case of vomiting within three hours, it is necessary to take a pill because the body has not had time to assimilate the first.

If you experience any unwanted side effects it is safer to talk to our doctor to make sure our reaction to the medicine is normal and safe.

How many times can I take it in my life?

The number of shots is not limited. However, remember that it is a medicine. It should not be abused and only take it as a last resort.

Is it dangerous? Does this affect fertility?

Many of us think that the morning after pill can affect our fertility: mistake! The effect of this so-called "catch-up" contraception only has an impact on the current cycle.

On the other hand, an abuse of the morning after pill can lead to risks that are far more serious than the side effects described above. In the most serious cases, cardio-vascular disorders or long-term menstrual disorders can be observed. It should not be forgotten that it contains a dose of progesterone approximately 40 times higher than that of a traditional pill.

And my classic pill in all this?

Whatever happens, taking the morning-after pill should not change anything when taking the traditional pill. It should not replace it, or shift the usual hours or days of taking.

Are there alternatives to the morning after pill?

In addition to the morning after pill, there is an alternative that is, without a doubt, one of the safest. The copper IUD, also called the IUD, can be used for emergency protection as well as long-term protection. Its action is simple: the copper makes the spermatozoids inactive. To be effective it must be put in the 5 days following the risky event.

The tip of the gynecologist in case of emergency ...

In her book "Le Dico des Nanas", gyneco-obstetric specialist Odile Bagot, nicknamed Mam Gynéco, shares one of her many tips on contraception. The expert advises us to always have at home or in our wallet a tablet so as not to have to wait if the situation arises.

Sources: "Doctor, I still have a question ..." by Philippe Descamps; "The Dico of the Nanas" by Mam Gynéco; "My Guide Gynéco" by Agnès Ledig and Teddy Linet.