On her office chair, sitting in a car ... We can do yoga everywhere! So make the most of the time spent in your bath by practicing some yoga positions! Before you start? We get in the mood by installing scented candles, and a zen playlist. Warm water is poured at 37 ° (to relieve tension) to the waist, at the level of the navel.

I take the height playing the siren

Sitting cross-legged, hands on knees, look horizontally. One inhales, raising one's arms to the sky, palms of the hands crossed over the head and turned towards the ground. We hold the position for 5 breaths, then we expire up the diaphragm.

I untie my shoulders in my bathtub

Sitting cross-legged, back straight, the arms are stretched backwards. Then, behind the back, one catches the right elbow with the left hand and the left with the right hand. The position is held for 5 breaths-expirations. Release before inverting the elbows. This position will relieve tension in the back and the legs

I swirl to soften

The more you exercise, the more you gain flexibility. Legs clasped in front of you, we look up to the horizontal. Turn the bust to the right, catching the edges of the tub. We hold the position for 5 breaths-expirations and then relax before changing sides.

I improve my breathing

Kneeling, legs apart, the big toes in contact, we pass the right hand around the waist while raising the left arm. Bust and head inclined to the right, left arm flexes, one stretches the whole left side. One breaths-expires 5 times before repeating the exercise on the other side.

To read: Yoga in his bath , by Anne Kalicky First Editions. A small waterproof collection that brings together 29 yoga postures easy to practice in the bathtub.