There are two reasons why a male dog attacks our calves or our arms, or even a stuffed animal (we are talking about "overlapping") ...

1. He wants to dominate his "pack"

A social animal like the dog or the wolf expresses the place it wants to take in the hierarchy of the pack: only the dominant can, indeed, externalize its sexuality, the others must hide to express it. For a domestic dog, the pack is the family in which he lives. So, when he behaves like that, it is to manifest his authority over you, to test you and to try to be the leader. No way to let him take the place of leader in the house. One solution, make him understand, push him back energetically and send him back to his basket.

2. He did not learn to restrain his impulses

This is a behavior that the puppy often adopts at 6-8 months, at puberty, at the time when the impulses work, where he is sexually excited. This game can -exist at any time in the adult dog (especially if there is a female in heat in the neighborhood). In this case, the same firmness, the same rule: a dog must not manifest his sexuality on his master or on any other person. We do not let him do it: "Couch basket! And we do not take care of him for a long time. To be excluded from the group is his punishment. Some dogs understand right away, while it will be necessary to repeat it a dozen times to others.

How to differentiate between the two behaviors?

When it comes to a sexual game, the dog smells you, sniffs you, looking for pheromones (exciting substances), and has an erection. But not when it is an attempt to dominate.

Thank you to Dr. Laetitia Barlerin, veterinarian and host on RMC for the program " Vos ani maux" on Sunday.

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