Decryption of your morphology
Basic tips
Basic clothes to adopt
The clothes to avoid
The underwear that suits you!

Decryption of your morphology

The physical points that characterize you are:

- a balanced and harmonious silhouette,
- shoulders and hips of the same width,
- a thin waist

Basic tips

It is important for you to:

- maintain the natural harmony of the silhouette by wearing clothes that fit the shapes,
- perfect your femininity by preferring materials that fit well to the body,
- mark the size by accessorizing the holding of a jewel belt or a scarf.

Basic clothes to adopt

Just about every garment goes to you, as long as you keep the harmony and femininity of your figure.

- fitted clothing with thin straps and narrow sleeves,
- belts whether wide or thin or fancy,
- flared skirts and miniskirts, straight or flared trousers,
- jackets and high bows,
- belted coats.

The clothes to avoid

Banish your wardrobe:

- outfits that are too broad and formless and with high volumes,
- cuts too straight,
- Too big stitches, sleeves too puffy.

The underwear that suits you!

You can afford all the fantasies, all the colors and all the materials, as long as you respect your natural lines and your femininity.
Prefer bras with thin, dark straps if you have little chest, well-fitting, well-fitting briefs that go up in the shape of a "V" on the thighs.

And find more advice in the book Relooking in 7 steps, Be your physical and mental coach Delphine Lecastel , editions Vuibert practice, 19 €