Staying glamorous when it's cold is a real challenge . Discover thanks to Caroline de Surany and her book "To be fashion but not victim" the 3 essential to have in her wardrobe, the 3 mistakes to avoid and 3 ideas that work every time!

3 mistakes to avoid in winter

What to avoid in the event of extreme cold:

  • Favor the style: When you are cold, even in the most stylish outfit, you look at best refrigerated, at worst ridiculous, in any case you are next to the plate!
  • Zapper the description of the materials: The only ones that are really effective against the cold are the natural materials : virgin wool, cashmere, silk, down, merino wool ... One can make a small exception for mixed wool if it is more than 70%.
  • Keep your head in the air: This is because only 50% of the heat of the body. One takes advantage of the tendency to offer a beret, a cap or a chapka.

3 ideas that work in winter

  • The technique of superimposed layers : A sweater is even warmer if underneath it has a silk tank top and a cotton tee-shirt.

  • Underneath a dress is added a silk nightie, and silk tights as well : finer than wool tights, they hold hotter.

  • Insulating soles, found in shoemakers. If you have room in your shoes, it's magic: no more cold feet is a real treat!

3 essential in winter

  • The down jacket is trendy: it falls well, because it remains one of the hottest coats , especially if it is filled with down.

  • The wool or cashmere hat , and at temperatures below -5 ° C, a lined hat that cuts the wind.

  • Finally, one thinks of her little tits with the shoes with tray: Because more the feet are far from the ground, the less they are cold !