What is the role of manganese?
Manganese is an essential trace element that contributes to the assimilation of lipids and carbohydrates by our body. He participates in our energy. It has a role in the secretion of insulin, which means that it helps to regulate our blood sugar level. Assimilated in the intestine, it participates in the action of certain enzymes. It has an action against the free radicals, it thus prevents the aging of the cells. It participates in the formation of hormones and the functioning of our brain system (concentration, memory, action). It can replace magnesium in some cases.

Where to find manganese?
It's an essential nutrient , so we need to tap it into our food. We find manganese mainly in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wheat germ, whole grains , pineapple, tea and some mineral waters. It is interesting to choose your mineral water . If it appears that our daily needs in manganese are sometimes not satisfied, cases of excess are very rare.

Manganese, an ally against allergies?
Studies show that manganese, in combination with other trace elements, would help cure various allergies such as skin allergies (eczema), and respiratory (asthma). The manganese involved in the construction of the cells, it strengthens the mucous membranes that do not let allergic elements pass. It would have an action against some joint diseases like arthritis, and nervous disorders.