Is there really carrot oil ?

It is not carrot oil, strictly speaking, but an oily macerate , the fruit of the mixture of cold pressed sunflower oil and carrot extracts. The latter, rich in beta-carotene , have antioxidant properties (they help to prevent the aging of the skin) and help to fight against minor inconveniences of the sun like solar lucites .

What is it for ?

The regular application of carrot oil to the face and body stimulates the production of melanin , the color pigment that we all possess in greater or lesser quantity and which allows our skin to brown . The carrot oil helps us to wear a nice tanned complexion .

How to use carrot oil ?

But as carrot oil is not a miracle product (alas!), There are still some rules to follow to activate its good- looking effect . Already, it should be applied very regularly (in the evening or in the morning, each to do according to his habits) and at least 15 days before his departure on vacation . And above all, you have to expose yourself to the sun so that the melanin is stimulated and the first results are visible. Lunch or coffee break on the terrace , Sunday picnic ... all the means are good, but be careful, carrot oil does not protect from the sun and does not replace in any way the application of a protective sunscreen .

Our 3 carrot oils

- Floressance carrot oil, Léa Nature, 5,65 € per 50 ml, in large area.
- Vegetable oil of organic carrot, Melvita, 10,80 € per 50 ml, in the shops of the mark and on its website.
- Carrot oil, Aroma-Zone, € 7.50 per 100 ml, in the brand's boutiques and on its website.

Thanks to Valérie Cauche, Cosmetics Ingredients and Supply Chain Manager at Léa Nature.