We unveil our journey to reach extreme relaxation through yoga.

Step 1: Stretch

By inhaling, one climbs the arms above the head, palms towards the sky. We exhale by bending the right bust, without taking off the buttocks. The belly remains slightly tucked. We return to the initial position and we start again to the left.

Step 2: we strengthen ourselves

Arms extended, one bends forward, exhaling and tilting one's pelvis to keep one's back flat. Then, the upper body (head, neck, arm) is completely released to the ground. By inspiring, we go back slowly unwinding the spine.

Step 3: relax your back

Sitting at the edge of the chair, one knee is caught between his hands and, when exhaling, he is mounted against the bust. To help each other, we bend our elbows apart. The chin stays back, back straight. We relax at the inspiration and we start again on the other side.

Step 4: We are energized

Arms well stretched on each side, one expires by turning the upper body to the right, including head. We return to inspiration, and we start again to the left.

Step 5: relax your shoulders

By inspiring, one climbs the shoulders to the ears. It is released at once while exhaling before starting again one shoulder after another.

Step 6: We focus

Index and middle finger of the right hand between the eyebrows, we close the right nostril with the thumb and we inhale slowly. With the ring finger, close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. The operation is repeated 10 times.

Step 7: We internalize

We put both hands on the face. The thumbs clog the ears, the indexes are placed on the closed eyes, the majors on the wings of the nose, and the annular and small fingers on the lips. We listen to his breathing, calm and regular.

More exercises can be found in the book "Vitality Yoga" by Jacqueline Sigaar and Cyrus Fray published by La Martinière