Playing sports is good, but doing so in an optimum way. Here are 4 true / false ideas received on sports practices:

- For a flat stomach, you have to do abs

True and false.
If strengthening your abs refines the waist and maintains the abdominal strap, this is not enough to win a flat stomach.
It is also necessary to tone the flexor muscles of the hip because they gain just as much the lower part of the belly, for that it is necessary to run in the water or to practice the fast walking.

- We slim down faster while playing sports on an empty stomach

The body has not consumed sugars, he draws directly into the fat to find energy.
The day before, eat slow sugars (rice, pasta) to avoid pumping. And most importantly, drink a large glass of water before you leave to hydrate yourself after dark

- Work his pecs with dumbbells muscle chest

True and false.
They do not muscler the chest which is made up of glands. In contrast, dumbbells can tone the skin muscles that support it.
An effective exercise: lying on your back, legs bent, arms crossed, lift dumbbells (2 to 3 kg) and stop at 40 cm from the ground. Hold the position for 2 minutes and start again.

- A shower after the effort is essential


It is necessary to wait not to sweat and to regain a normal respiratory rhythm. The hot shower, immediately after physical exertion, increases the body temperature, causing the blood vessels to swell and blush the skin.

The advice of the pros to optimize his jogging, his swimming session

- At the pool, we opt for accessories

Use accessories. The short fins are perfect for muscling thighs and glutes. The board held arms stretched shoulders and calves. With a float placed between the thighs, you strengthen the arms, shoulders, back and abs.

The bonus: you draw a body of naïade smoothly.

Hold your breath after 5 crawl movements and 2 in breaststroke.

The bonus: by inspiring less often, you practice more movements, so more tonic.

- In gym, we put on the twists

Hold the postures as long as possible, then release the effort for 3 seconds, and start again.

Bet on the twists. An example: sitting, legs outstretched in front of you, bend the left knee by sticking the left foot against the right knee, then put your right hand on your left shoulder and turn your head to the right side. Blow and maintain the posture. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

The bonus: you relax more.

- In jogging, I vary the running rhythms

Change the pace. Run 10 to 15 minutes at your usual pace, then accelerate 1 min. Trottinez 1 min. Alternate slow and fast speeds 8 to 10 times. The bonus: you increase breath and resistance, and run longer.

Choose a hilly course. The slopes invigorate the back of the thighs, the buttocks muscle buttocks, back and abs. The ideal? Run 45 minutes to tap into your fat stores.

The bonus: intense muscle work and faster slimming.