It may seem simple to drink and yet we often neglect our hydration. To remedy this, three experts give us their advice to provide our body all the water it needs on a daily basis.

Water yes, but not iced

Dr. Paule Nathan, endocrinologist-nutritionist 1 : "As soon as you wake up, you hydrate yourself with a glass of water and lemon , which is alkaline, which contributes to the acid-base balance. 1 to 1.5 l (2 l in hot weather) of liquid (water, infusions, tea).

Fruit juices are limited because sugar dehydrates. We drink in small sips so that the body has time to assimilate. Above all, we drink before thirst and more than thirst, because the latter indicates that our aqueous reserves are already cut by 1%.

A benchmark: feeling a hot flash while drinking shows the ongoing dehydration. You never drink ice water, at the risk of vagal discomfort . Indeed, when it is hot, the body increases the heart rate and the blood vessels dilate. However, iced drinking triggers the opposite reflex: slowing of the heart and vasoconstriction.

Drinking water (including one to two glasses at the table) is not enough for optimal hydration, it is supplemented by that from food, which provides 1 to 1.5 l per day. Especially with one to two servings of raw vegetables, two half-plates of cooked green vegetables, two fruits and a protein, knowing that lean fish contain 80% of water (cod, red mullet, sea bass, hake ...), meat and vegetables. poultry contain 70 to 75%, eggs 74% and dairy 80 to 90%. "

Dehydration: how to rehydrate?

Anne-Lize Duval, dietician and sports coach 2 : " If it's hot, the body can lose 0.5 to 1 l of water per hour , particularly in the event of physical activity, even moderate, which leads to leakage of mineral salts ( sodium , potassium ...), vital to metabolic functioning.

Sodium in particular, which maintains homeostasis (the hydromineral balance). Add a pinch of salt in 1 l of slightly mineralized water (Volvic, Evian, Mont Roucous ...) - the water should not have a salty taste - and drink it in small sips during the day preserve a good hydration.

If we take advantage of the summer to do more sports, we determine the volume of water essential to the rehydration of the body, weighing before and after, and we multiply the difference in weight by 1.5. That is to say 1.5 l of water in addition to the usual hydration, if we pass, for example, from 60 to 59 kg (60 - 59 = 1. 1 x 1.5 = 1.5).

The best is to mix mineralized water (Hepar, Contrex) and little mineralized. To optimize recovery, it is better to opt for a bicarbonate (St-Yorre, Vichy Célestins, Quézac). "

Which water should be favored?

Stéphane Tétart, naturophate 3 : "Not to increase the work of renal elimination, bet on water for infants, whose rate in minerals, nitrates and nitrites is low (Evian, Aquarel).

The ideal water is slightly acidic (pH between 6 and 7), with a dry residue rate of less than 50 and a slight antioxidant power (rH2 between 25 and 28), such as Mont Roucous or Volvic.

We drink off meals (no more than a glass at the table) so as not to dilute the digestive juices. As a snack, homemade vegetable juice (carrot, cucumber ...), or 2/3 of vegetables for 1/3 of fruit (not to weigh down in sugars), provide essential vitamins and minerals plant.

1 Author of the Guide of Food Wisdom (ed.
2 Co-author of My running book (Eyrolles edition).
3 Coautor of Secrets of Naturopaths (ed Leduc.s).