Targeting Small Structures
The sectors that hire
The winning resume
Salary side
Door-to-door, a paid strategy
Classifieds in gogo
The Web, a gold mine
Jonathan's Tricks
Anti-scam Radar
For the next year

Targeting Small Structures

As for the plane, one can build on the places that are released at the last minute. "Every year, at the beginning of summer, many employers have to face waves of withdrawal from young people who have found something else or give up," explains Benjamin Brun, advisor to the Pôle Emploi ! "

Disconnections do not necessarily affect large companies, administrations, banks and other chains such as Carrefour or Zara, which often have a well-qualified pool in which to draw in case of emergency . On the other hand, we have all the chances on the side of small structures! "Budgets are also increasingly tight," explains Benjamin Brun, "and this forces small and medium-sized companies to wait until the last moment to decide whether they will commit. "

The sectors that hire

Some still recruit a lot during the summer: " Tourism , with hospitality, hotel and catering, but also animation , in holiday centers for example, agriculture with large summer gatherings, all small shops ... ", underlines Catherine Khodorowsky, in charge of communication at the CIDJ . Many students are also recruited for street or telephone marketing , on behalf of companies, associations or even student organizations, which are very active at the end of the summer.

The winning resume

All recruiters say that: personalize a minimum of your CV and cover letter according to the position, it's much more effective. In order to write them well, take a look at the files made available on the sites and , you will find the basic rules of the CV, the cover letter and also the interview .

Salary side

We also work (and especially!) For money: no question of being robbed! You must be paid at least at the hourly minimum wage (8.71 € gross) , reduced by 20% before 17 years and 10% between 17 and 18 years, plus a holiday indemnity paid at the end of the contract (approximately 1 / 10th of the total salary). Make sure you have a written employment contract that specifies the nature of your work and a pay slip . To be sure that your status as a young worker is respected, please contact the Ministry of Labor at 0 821 347 347 or on , heading "summer job".

Door-to-door, a paid strategy

Who says "look for a summer job" says ... "put on his sneakers"! All professionals agree! CV (with a photo so that you can remember) and letter of motivation in hand, go to your baker, meet the manager of the clothes shop, stationery, coffee corner ... Especially at the last minute! Many small shopkeepers, such as Karine, who owns a coffee shop in Paris, say that they sometimes go late, "sometimes two weeks before the first day of work. Not to mention the withdrawals ... ". And do not wait for the "Look for seller" poster to offer your services, they prefer young people who come forward spontaneously and who really seem motivated: "No need for qualifications or a concrete above all a matter of feeling. "

The winning behavior? Evacuate your stress before entering, smile, sit down, create contact . Adapt your approach to your profile, and you increase your chances: you are sociable, aim the cafes. You have the goose, go for the sale. Work does not scare you, try the bakeries, and if you are sporty, you can sell ice cream on the beach.

Classifieds in gogo

In the process, go to the few key places in your city, such as the student organizations - Crous or OSE - which offer thousands of offers throughout France, or faculty and school halls: there are always small ads, often from individuals offering hours of babysitting or tutoring . Finally take the time to go to the office of the Network Information Jeunesse near you: advisors are there to help you to search, to make your resume ...

The Web, a gold mine

Sites that say they specialize in summer jobs, there are plenty! But many are not serious: scams, commercial links ... To avoid wasting time unnecessarily, here is our selection ... • : created by the CIDJ, this site offers the same offers as the Pôle Emploi and makes them more easily accessible. In other words, a safe bet. And simple! • : a favorite! The creator of the site, Grégory Clouscard, wanted it to be convivial. Here, no CV: candidates and employers contact each other directly by email or phone, to them to see if the current goes well. The idea is to allow young people to leave by combining their holidays with a job, and some job offers even include housing. • : in the "summer jobs" section, there are always serious offers, most of the time to work on missions for student organizations that recruit en masse ... 6,000 positions offered every summer! • : we appreciated the "create your resume", where we are well guided to realize it. You can then deposit it on the site and consult the rather extensive and diversified list of offers. • and : two sites specializing in animation, the sector that recruits the most throughout the summer, for example in holiday centers ... • and : a source of useful and localized information. Working in the fields, clean air, a bargain for everyone, even latecomers! Given the vagaries of the climate, farmers sometimes have difficulty in forecasting the labor force they will need.

Jonathan's Tricks

Multimedia Animator of CIDJ.

"On the sites that offer it, like and , subscribe to the RSS feeds by clicking on the icon of the same name. You will receive directly on your computer the offers corresponding to your search criteria, "student job" for example, without needing to revisit the site several times a day. "

For your e-mail, put the CV and the covering letter as attachments, recall in the body of the text only the reason for this sending (reference of the offer ...) and title the subject of a title type "Response to bid X" to avoid being blocked by the spam filter.

Anti-scam Radar

Be wary of some vague ads, such as "Nice looking hostess with a sense of touch and able to work in the evening ..." An offer should always clearly explain the nature of the job offered and indicate the name of the company.

For the next year

• Take it early! Starting in December for very large companies and administrations, if not from March. • Go to the " Journées Jobs d'été " organized by the CIDJ, throughout France towards the end of March, to help you find the right job. • Find all the good news in the CIDJ file: " Find a job ", to be consulted at any center of the Youth Information Network , or download on the CIDJ site for € 2.50 .