Why does a teenager almost never love his body?

First, the metamorphosis of a teenager is impressive: forms, hairiness, secretions and unknown sensations, hormonal thrusts , sexual impulses ... And these changes are made in a disorderly way, and not all at the same rate. Then this body escapes him, he no longer controls it. Then, his sexualisation, which he exposes himself, makes him uncomfortable. He is not ready: girls often hate their thighs, their breasts so bulky, their bellies not flat enough, all the emblems of femininity.

Second, adolescence is the age of insecurity and lack of self-confidence . The fears of not pleasing crystallize on the body: it is his fault if ... Finally, the teenager is naturally in a quest for perfection. But the gap between this concrete body and the models of masculinity and femininity, long bodies and retouched faces, conveyed by the media, is widening. Something upset you.

My teenager is ugly, what to do?

There are degrees in disorders of self-image . Not to worry if, last summer, your teen does not want to put in shorts ... It becomes pathological when the teenager focuses his attention on a detail in a delirious way, whereas there is no place: he says he's ugly when he's handsome, fat when he's not, judges his face twisted, his knees round and badly damaged ... When this dissatisfaction turns to obsession, is a disorder called dysmorphophobia , often symptomatic of difficulties elsewhere. It expresses a deeper psychological anxiety , which must be dealt with first, with the help of a shrink.

How can my adolescent relativize?

Young people have a non-objective image of themselves. Teens exaggerate their imperfections and do not see their qualities. To correct this devaluing look, act on a case by case basis!

- She does not like her nose? Perhaps it is indeed a bit busy, but it gives it character.

- She complains of her small size, because at 17 years, she measures only 1.58 m? She can play it, and it's often cute in the eyes of a man.

- Is she big? Place numbers! Calculate with it its body mass index (BMI), and, in the event of an anomaly in one direction or another, consult.

- She judges her chest too small compared to girlfriends who display a 85 C? The breasts are an object of seduction important, listen to him. Teach him patience: at 15, his body will still evolve, his chest is not completely formed.

My teen wants to diet

During adolescence, the body, in full development, has important nutritional needs.

Is his request justified? If it is a bit coated, see a nutritionist , who will advise a more balanced diet and a sport. The reassuring diagnosis of a professional is often more effective than the parents' speech.

Push her also to look after herself, to show herself up, so that she can accept herself better.

My teen wants to do cosmetic surgery

In recent years, teenagers whose parents have the means (and who allow it) resort to cosmetic surgery . Whatever the object of the intervention (except malformation or fracture of the nose, of course), propose him to wait 18 years, the majority.

We must examine his demand: crisis of adolescence passing? A real disgrace which deprives her? Caprice? If the "defect" is futile or imaginary ("My breasts are ugly"), be firm: "I do not agree because you do not really need it. It's in your head, and you'll wait until you're old enough to pay for your intervention yourself. "Beware of the mirage of surgery! We can not expect miracles, the result can be disappointing, and an operation is not always the right answer to a malaise.