• Adapt to stylistic conditions

The ultra-codified world of work claims a certain homogeneity of clothing - more or less relative according to the sectors: the intractable environments of finance or law, for example, prescribe the tailor-costume uniform while the creative fields will tend to recommend more casual clothing ...

As a result, it is best, if not strongly recommended, to be aware of the clothing habits of the area. If in doubt: better to be too dressed than not enough ...

  • Bet on classic coins

Healthy tip: forget the sneakers , the wildly holey jeans and all the other (too) casual pieces of your wardrobe.

In return we mobilize beautiful materials, clear cuts and neutral tones by choosing the basics whose reputation is well established: clear shirt, pleated pants, jacket blazer, derbies etc. So many soberly sophisticated pieces that will structure your silhouette .


Credits: Press / Mango

  • Keep out of the limelight

Sometimes, a boundless ambition can push you to commit some odd stylistic dresses sequins, eye-catching colors, transparent lace, plunging neckline, vertiginous heels ... In short, professional mistakes are many!

Here, it is imperative to aim for neutrality: the clothes must be forgotten so that the recruiter can quickly focus on the background: your CV .

As an alternative, some accessories may complement your outfit provided they cultivate some discretion. Exit bling necklace, imposing cuffs and XXL creoles.

  • To present oneself in beauty

Make-up, an imperative: stay natural. No need to hide behind excessive makeup: mineral powder or BB cream enhanced with a few layers of mascara will do just fine.

For the hairstyle, same rule of conduct, we pass over the cuts worked (too sophisticated) and the hair loose (too cool) to hold the ponytail raised by a simple elastic in the same tones as your hair.

Another pre-requisite: one almonds the nails, to prepare them for two chromatic eventualities, the red vermeil or the pastel pink.


Credit: Imaxtree

  • Ensure your comfort

To overcome (at best) the agonizing test of job interview, one rule of thumb: feel good in his pumps - without making sartorial negligence.

Thus, one favors the comfort of the moccasins with the sophistication of the pumps. And we choose soft and comfortable materials, like a crepe blazer and / or a cotton shirt . Perfect to put at ease without giving up the style.


Credits: Imaxtree / Alessia Gammaota