"If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the eyebrows are hair who think", wrote in 2003 the French poet Franz Bartelt *. No doubt François Fillon had this haiku in his head when he proudly claimed the wearing of a dense eyebrow , on the occasion of his wishes to the press for the new year 2017: "You will have to do with my reserve and my bushy eyebrows. "

Certainly, Mr. Fillon knows nothing about the beauty trends of the twentieth century which, especially since the coronation of the top Cara Delevingne, invite the eyebrow to express itself in all its density and thickness.

If ancient Rome favored the scrub with the natural mono-eyebrow atmosphere (a contrario of ancient Egypt and its hieroglyphic eyebrows stylized green kohl), our era does not end to boast the domestication of this hairy fringe, also provided it may be.

Which eyebrows prefer French women?

Proof of this is the success in France of the American brand Benefit eyebrow bars, or the Eyebrow workshops created by Joss (Jocelyne) Villeneuve since 2006, which offer high-end restructuring services according to the morphology of the face.

There were four in France in 2010, they will be eighty-five in June, including Spanish, Belgian and Moroccan workshops.

"The demand of Parisian, Belgian, Swiss and German customers is always going to the natural", explains this popess of the glance, the first to work the hair removal with the forceps and no longer with the wax, not touching the bottom of the eyebrow but the top. Total reversal of values.

"In Marseille, the aesthetic is getting closer to the Middle East and Anglo-Saxon markets, which are going towards more structure, sophistication, graphics, but it's thick anyway."

Eyebrows: from the ultra-thin line of the 50s to micro-pigmentation

Thus ends the time of the ultra-fine line of the 30s and 40s, inherited from silent cinema and then embodied by Marlene Dietrich and Jean Harlow. The anorexic eyebrow, sometimes completely shaved and then redrawn high on the ark, has had its day.

And even if this expressionist aesthetic tried its comeback in the 1990s and 2000s - on the faces of Spice Girls, Loana, Christina Aguilera or the nasty clown of the novel "That" by Stephen King - our hairy 2010s are are now more reflective of Brooke Shields' style, even of the opulent 1950s.

It is indeed at this golden age of Hollywood and Italian divas (from Elizabeth Taylor to Anita Ekberg) that Kim Kardashian seems to refer, in his own way, who confides his "hat of the eye" only to Anastasia , Queen of the eyebrow pencil and micro-pigmentation across the Atlantic.

What methods for furry eyebrows?

The technologies have indeed evolved very quickly in a few years, under the effect of the Instagram culture and hyper-segmentation of the beauty market.

Not to mention the microblading technique 6D (semi-permanent pigmentation using a metal pen and nano-needles): "All brands are positioned on the eyebrow fixers, while you can not find anything there even ten years ago, "says Joss.

Therefore, unless speculating on a return of the medieval hair (in the Middle Ages, the eyebrows, eyelashes and hair were epilated from the top of the forehead), the brow of sparrow is no longer anemic.

(*) In Nowhere, but in Ireland, ed. The weather.