Chicory coffee

Chicory is traditionally consumed as a hot drink in the North. Chicory powder is available commercially, but you can also easily prepare it yourself. For this, simply cut the roots of chicory into pieces. Pass them without adding fat to the pan. Take them out of the fire when they are well colored: they must be almost black. Keep them in a tightly closed box, protected from light and moisture. It only remains to grind the amount of powder needed for your drink. Count about two teaspoons for a cup.

Chicory powder for dessert

Chicory powder and liquid chicory can be incorporated into many desserts. They give them a special flavor, reminiscent of that of caramel . There are many possibilities: chicory tiramisu, chicory / dark chocolate tart, chicory fondant, nut cake and chicory ... You can also prepare a delicious chicory crème brûlée! To do this, start by preheating your oven to 100 ° C. Mix liquid chicory, sugar, egg yolks, liquid cream and milk. Pour your mixture into a ramekin and bake for an hour. Let your cream cool. Just before serving, sprinkle with brown sugar and burn.

Cooking chicory leaves

It is generally discouraged to eat raw chicory leaves because of their bitterness. However, once cooked for about 15 minutes in boiling salted water, they are quite edible! Note that it may be necessary to change the cooking water once or twice, if the leaves are really very bitter ... All that remains is to season them to your liking! For example, you can sauté them with garlic and serve them with meat. The chicory leaves can also be integrated into gratins, quiches or used to garnish a pie.