Participatory financing to build a study center in Ouagadougou

In order to raise € 5,000 for the construction of a shelter in Barogo, east of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, Cap Etudes is launching a large appeal for donations on a crowdfunding platform. 2500 € have already been collected and it remains a little more than 45 days to collect the rest. This student hostel is intended to welcome fellows supported by the association and to facilitate their higher education in Ouagadougou, because these disadvantaged students live far from the city and spend many hours in the school-home journeys . Private sponsors and solidarity operations (charitable concert and sale of wax handmade accessories) also led their participation in this great project.

Cap Etudes, an association that supports the education of disadvantaged young people in Burkina Faso

For the last four years, the French association Cap Etudes has supported the education of some fifteen schoolchildren and high school students from Burkina Faso. These girls and boys live in Sourgoubila and Fada N'Gourma (respectively 35 km and 203 km from Ouagadougou). They were recruited on two main criteria: their great social and family precariousness and their good academic performance. Cap Etudes finances their education in Burkina Faso until they obtain their final diploma in the course of their choice. The association pays the tuition fees and supplies the material : notebooks, pencils, bike to go to school ... In exchange, the young people undertake to work their best and each time a student finishes his course , a new takes its place.

For information, in this poor country, only 3 out of 10 young people go to college and 1 in 4 only gets its BEPC because of too high tuition fees and overcrowded classes.

Practical information :

- To participate in the crowdfunding kitty
- For more information, the Facebook page of Cap Etudes